Case study
Southern Water

We provide operation and maintenance support for Southern Water’s 70 high voltage sites in the UK.
We improve security of supply and resilience whilst reducing the risk of network failure across these sites by employing an innovative approach in the design and delivery of an integrated end-to-end solution.
Southern Water is the private utility company responsible for the public wastewater collection and treatment in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, West Sussex, East Sussex and Kent. Southern Water is also responsible for the public water supply and distribution in approximately half of this area.
Each day, 541 million litres of drinking water from 83 water treatment works are supplied along 13,905 kilometres of water mains to Southern Water’s customers’ taps. Many of their high voltage sites include multiple substations and a variety of switchgear types supplied by different manufacturers. It is critical to them that their operations remain safe, resilient and efficient. Our role is to ensure that these goals are achieved.
Approach and innovation
In addition to providing operation and maintenance services, we are working to replace ageing infrastructure at Southern Water. By replacing ageing oil-filled switchgear with new-vacuumed units, which are more efficient and better for the environment, we are helping Southern Water achieve their environmental goals. Other benefits include higher reliability factor and reduced costs.
The scope of work we are delivering includes:
- Full asset management and scheduled asset replacement including transformers, LV and HV switchgear, HV pumps, batteries and chargers
- Electrical infrastructure design, protection studies, earthing studies, security of supply audits and contingency planning
- HV and LV cable installation and jointing, HV proficiency training and HV protection training
- Fault isolation, restoration, location and repair
We also provide specialist technical advisory support and business case assessment to help Southern Water increase revenue generation opportunities and reduce their carbon footprint.
Southern Water aims to provide excellent customer service to their customers, and our role is to support Southern Water achieve this ambition. We recognise our activities can have a tremendous impact on Southern Water’s residential and business customers. We share our extensive experience in operating some of the UK’s most critical private networks with Southern Water and this helps them implement best practices and improve the level of resilience across their electrical networks. Our innovative approach has resulted in reduced overall maintenance costs, reduced risk of asset failure, increased security of supply and better environmental outcomes for Southern Water.