Commercial and Industrial
We operate and maintain electricity networks for commercial and industrial spaces, deploying new technologies to ensure resilience and improve sustainability.

Commercial and Industrial
We operate and maintain electricity networks for commercial and industrial spaces, deploying new technologies to ensure resilience and improve sustainability.
Managing electrical infrastructure within commercial and industrial spaces can be complex, as there is pressure to reduce energy costs, provide a resilient and secure supply and cater for a diverse range of demands and risks.
We provide essential operation and maintenance solutions to support our clients in identifying and deploying new technologies to ensure resilience and sustainability improvement.
Our extensive in-house capability, including designers, planners, authorised engineers and project managers are experienced in designing and building complex and essential electricity distribution networks.

Ensuring resilience and security
The Commercial and Industrial sector is one of the most energy-intensive areas. Power outages or pricing fluctuations can have significant ramifications on day-to-day operations and production output. This can also affect electrical equipment by causing damage or interrupting production, leading to increased costs and losses in revenue.
Reducing carbon emissions
Sustainability is increasingly on the agenda for Commercial and Industrial organisations to reduce carbon footprint and ensure green supply chain. One focus of this is the electrification of fleet vehicles, which impacts on-site electricity demand and complicates transition to new vehicle fleets.
New technologies such as energy storage, on-site generation and taking advantage of demand side response flexibility contracts will enable businesses to ensure ongoing resilience and security of supply, keep a downward pressure on costs and provide an opportunity to take on sustainable projects.

Managing energy costs
Energy-intensive operations bring high energy costs in consumption charges and also capital investment of traditional energy assets. Businesses are looking to limit TRIAD and Red-zone DUoS charges and major infrastructure upgrades or reinforcements and potentially take the opportunity to earn revenues from new energy technologies such as on-site generation, storage and demand response.
Our solutions